Allan Kardec Online Spiritist Center – a program from Concafras Network
The Online Spiritist Center Allan Kardec - CEOAK is a program of the CONCAFRAS NETWORK, maintained by sister spiritist institutions dedicated to the dissemination and expansion of the Gospel of Jesus in the light of Spiritism. Its field of action is Earth, our planetary school.
The Online Spiritist Center Allan Kardec is hosted on virtual networks, but its pillars of support, content production, and activities are the reference Spiritist Centers that use the CONCAFRAS methodology as a reference in the training programs for Spiritist workers, dissemination, spiritual treatment, charity work, evangelization, application, and living of Jesus' teachings.
Statutorily, the Online Spiritist Center Allan Kardec is a program of the AME, Spiritist World Association, a civil, philanthropic society, founded on December 15, 1990.
Operation of the Online Spiritist Center Allan Kardec
The Online Spiritist Center Allan Kardec will have its activities broadcast live from various Spiritist Centers participating in the CONCAFRAS NETWORK. The lectures from the public meeting, after the live broadcast, will be available offline.
Spiritism is, at the same time, a science of observation and a philosophical doctrine. As a practical science, it consists of the relationships established between us and the spirits; as a philosophy, it encompasses all the moral consequences that stem from these same relationships. We can define it as follows: Spiritism is a science that deals with the nature, origin, and destiny of spirits, as well as their relationships with the physical world. (Allan Kardec, What is Spiritism, p. 40).
Spiritism does not have the isolated character of a philosophy, of a religion, because it is at the same time religion, philosophy, and science. Simultaneously a divine revelation and a work of cooperation between disembodied and incarnate human spirits. It has the singular characteristic of being impersonal, complementary, and progressive; first, because it is not the result of the revelation of a single spirit, nor the work of a single man, second because it is the natural, expressed, and logical complement of the first two divine revelations (that of Moses and that of Christ), third, because, as Kardec said, it will never have the last word.
Because it investigates, experiments, proves, systematizes, conceptualizes laws, facts, forces, and phenomena of life, nature, thought, and human feelings.
Because it ponders, induces, and deduces logical ideas and facts about the first cause and its natural effects, generalizes, and synthesizes, reflects, deepens, and explains, studies, discerns, defines motives, and consequences.
Because from its scientific findings and philosophical conclusions arises the knowledge of Divine parenthood and the universal brotherhood of all beings in Creation, establishing thus the natural worship of the love of God and of one's neighbor.
Infinitely superior to all limited sciences, it dispenses with sophisticated laboratories, expensive equipment, and rigid empirical methods. Immensely more effective than all other known philosophies, it does not get lost in flights of intelligence, nor is it exclusively limited to materially verifiable phenomena or deducible through insufficient reasoning of mathematical logic. Incomparably more rational and efficient than any other religion, it dispenses with priesthood, altars, rituals, and dogmas, because it acts directly on the understanding and heart of each person, speaks to the soul of each individual, and establishes its empire in the mind of every being.
(Áureo, Universe and Life, 4th Ed., p.163-166, psych. Hernani T. Santanna).
"Our spiritual friends have always taught us to consider Spiritist Centers as the most important School of our soul because it is in the Spiritist Temple that we receive from others and can donate from ourselves the values that will serve each of us for Eternal life." (Emmanuel, Interviews, p. 114-115).
Where we can learn and teach, sow goodness and gather its graces, improve ourselves and perfect others on the eternal path. Emmanuel (various authors, educandário de luz, 2nd ed., p. 90).
It is not a simple construction of material nature. It is a point on the planet where reasoned faith studies universal laws, especially regarding consciousness and justice, the building of destiny, and the immortality of being. (Emmanuel and André Luiz, study and live, 6th ed., p.206).
Where the laws of Being, Destiny, Evolution, and the Universe are clearly examined, shedding light and providing guidance, therefore, it should not become an institute of mere academic concern. (Emmanuel and André Luiz, study and live, 6th ed., p.222).
Active in physical hunger, nakedness, pain, multiplying the arms of Jesus in the blessed duty of aid. Djalma Montenegro de Farias, (Various Spirits, seedbed of fraternity, 3rd ed., p.324).
It is not a simple construction of material nature. It is a point on the planet where reasoned faith studies universal laws, especially regarding consciousness and justice, the building of destiny, and the immortality of being. (Emmanuel and André Luiz, study and live, 6th ed., p.206).
A place of rebalancing and harmony, in which specialized therapies – passes, fluidified water (bioenergy), prayer, disobsession, and enlightenment of consciousness – promote the health of the body, mind, and spirit, encouraging the patient to advance, to victory over oneself, over the prevailing primitive passions. Vianna de Carvalho (reformer, October 1995, p.12).