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Advanced Spiritism Course
Global Kardec Online - School of Spiritist Studies is a working group of the Allan Kardec Online Spiritist Center organized, directed, and maintained by the CONCAFRAS NETWORK. It develops a regular, sequential, and methodical study program aimed at Spiritism. It is structured in the form of courses with a semester duration and is offered synchronously (live) on Saturdays from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm. The courses are both theoretical and practical and follow a previously announced schedule.
Discover the path to a fuller life through the study of Spiritist Doctrine. This course covers essential foundations, including concepts about God, Jesus, reincarnation, prayer, personal transformation, spiritual planning, and a variety of thought-provoking topics. By engaging with these contents, you not only acquire liberating knowledge but also enlighten your consciousness for a deeper understanding of existence.
This Spiritism course serves as a comprehensive guide, offering valuable guidance on various aspects of life. Structured, each step is carefully crafted so that you can absorb the lesson content efficiently and enlighteningly, as well as being always available to clarify any doubts that may arise throughout the process. Prepare to embark on this journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.
Multiplies the possibilities of the senses
Increases the resources of reasoning
The divine feeling that binds man to the Creator
The courses are divided into 2 major cycles, with the first being called the Introductory Cycle consisting of 5 courses:
Specialization Cycle
The second cycle, called the specialization cycle, is intended for students who have completed the introductory cycle. It offers students the opportunity to specialize in the work areas of the Spiritist Center according to their personal interests.
Students who have taken the last course of the introductory cycle – Vibration, can choose between two courses: Basic Concepts of the Children's Institute and Assistance Post.