Where do we go after death? What is the meaning of life? Join the Course
Today, at 19h50
This is a meeting open to the public and approached in the light of Spiritist Doctrine. To watch, just click the button below!
Open meeting to the public with lectures and questions.
Children's Evangelization School: Center for children aged 0-11 years.
Spiritist Youth guides young people from 12 years old in the Spiritist House.
Study group, CONCAFRAS network at the Allan Kardec Spiritist Center.
Mocidade Espírita atender, acompanhar e direcionar o jovem, a partir de 12 anos, nas atividades da Casa Espírita. Participe conosco.
"Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." (Mark, 11:24)
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